Now Offering: Walk and Talk Therapy


What is Walk and Talk Therapy?


Walk and Talk Therapy is a unique way to experience traditional talk therapy. The methods are the same as in office but enhanced by being outdoors and movement (light walking pace). This form of therapy is beneficial for clients who may want to improve their mindfulness skills and grounding techniques. During Walk and Talk Therapy, your therapist may take you through cognitive exercises which focus on tuning into your physical senses. This form of therapy may be used in addition with traditional methods such as online or in-person sessions.

Walk and Talk Therapy is becoming more common for many reasons. In addition to the benefits of being outdoors, physical movement, and therapeutic support; this style of therapy helps combat stigmas related to mental health treatment. Therapists and clients are not confined to working together in the office or online, but can venture out into the world (where your symptoms may be heightened!) For some, therapy is unsuccessful because when they arrive to a session all their worries, fears, and experiences temporarily slip their mind. In Walk and Talk Therapy, the environment is not controlled, therefore there may be real-time triggers for clients to work through with their therapist.


Who is this style of session for?

This style is appropriate for those seeking a unique therapeutic experience! Walk and Talk Therapy gets you out of the office or your home, and into your community. Being outdoors can help to improve mood and walking is good for the body. This style of therapy is beneficial for those experiencing anxiety, depression, and stress, as it allows for the client and therapist to work together to reduce negative symptoms experienced in the community.

Where does Walk and Talk Therapy Happen?

The Therapy Loft is located conveniently in downtown St.Petersburg, FL, where we have miles of beautiful waterfront parks. A meeting location will be determined prior to the Walk and Talk Therapy appointment. Walk and Talk Therapy sessions range from 60-75 minutes in length.

Please note; due to the nature of being out in the community, there is a risk of client or therapist encountering acquaintances. Your therapist will always aim to protect your confidentiality rights as a client, and will not make it aware to others of the therapeutic intent of the walk. Concerns will be addressed prior to attending session.

Interested in learning more? We have limited Walk and Talk Session availability so contact The Therapy Loft today!
Phone: (727) 300-1861


Free Resource: Core Values Worksheet


What to Expect During Your First Session